Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big Sioux Camping

Camping for the Labor Day weekend started for Bernie and I on Thursday, September 1. We set up, got settled and out came the laptops! So much for tech free weekend. But we will hide them when the kids come tomorrow! Friday, September 2nd brought the family. We have new toys for the weekend - electric fly swatters! Josh, Bernie and Travis had a great time "testing" them out for the weekend.
The weather was so nice we could attach Hadley's chair for her to eat at the picnic table. She loved being outside.

We also enjoyed eating outside in the beautiful weather.

Camping is exhausting! Hadley fell asleep in my arms!

Time for a walk. We straped Hadley into the Baby Bjorn for a walk around the campground.

Plenty of time for relaxing around the campsite in various laps - including Daddy's.
Everyone has a great appetite when camping - even Hadley! Not that she needs the camping for a good appetite..........
Sunday night our resident Chef, Bernie, grilled some great steaks and chicken for everyone! Travis's Mom, Dorothy, joined us for supper and campfire.
Travis's steak was huge, but he didn't have any trouble putting it away.

Hadley is getting to really enjoy the campfire on Grandma's lap.

Games in the camper after campfire, but first toy inspection.
Gotta catch a nap when you can.

Hadley likes to see how well her pictures turn out!
The "boys" got ready and headed for a long hot hike on the hiking trails.
Everyone brings slippers to use in the camper to keep our toes warm. Travis's are a little bigger than Becca's. :)
Floor time for Hadley on Barney.
Travis taught us how to play a new game.
Bernie and I are always up early and now we have a companion who is also up early. We got ready, got Hadley ready, and let Steph & Josh sleep in. Off we went for a nice walk in the campground.

Getting up early and walking around the campground is exhausting. Hadley had to take a nap when we got back.

You can find a spot to eat anywhere in the camper!
Hadley is styling in Baby Gap! Thank you Once Upon A Child!
You can never relax too much outside around the camper on a nice day!

Had the most awesome weekend of fun, food and family! Let's go again!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

One of my favorite camping spots! Glad Hadley enjoyed the morning walks just as much as Grandpa!