Friday, August 19, 2011

Thank You Dorothy!

Travis's Mom Dorothy invited us out to Garretson on August 18 for an evening of fun. Steph, Josh and Hadley came out to our house to wait for Bernie to get home so we could go. Hadley had on her cute little top I got her!
Dorothy had a wonderful supper for us and we relaxed in her nice garage, visited, and played games. We got to know Travis's brother Chad, his sister-in-law Lacey and his niece and nephew Machon and Easton. The two Grandma's sat together and compared notes on their granddaughters!
Bean bag toss was in the yard and after dark we had a bonfire.
Thank you Dorothy for a wonderful time! We enjoyed meeting more of Travis's family.

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

That was fun! We need to do it again!