Sunday, August 14, 2011

Scrapbook for Grandma

On Saturday, August 13, Steph and I got together to scrapbook the pictures from Grandma's 90th birthday party. Hadley came along.

Grandpa and Auntie Becca had agreed to play with her while we worked. We came upstairs on our break to find them all on the couch and Hadley reading her book to them. So cute! Very glad she is going to be a reader!

Nap time!
Hadley, you are too young for a beer! I tell you, leave Grandpa and Auntie B in charge and look what happens!

Josh came over for supper and then took Hadley home to bed after her exhausting day with Grandpa and Auntie Becca. We headed over to Cherry Berry for a treat of frozen yogurt! Yum!
We were able to finish Grandma's scrapbook in one day! It turned out really well and we couldn't wait to give it to her! We know she will like it.

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Fun day throwing that together. Also the day Hadley started reading to everyone! :)