Monday, August 22, 2011

Lake Poinsett

Weekend of August 20 and 21 we went to Lake Poinsett camping at Rick & Kay's cabin. Hadley has gotten to be such an expert camper. We toured Rick's new pole building and Hadley got tired. She fell sound asleep in Grandpa's arms.
She napped quite well surrounded by pillows on our bed! When we went into the cabin, Kay spread out a quilt and Hadley had a good time stretching out and playing.

Lunch time!
Campfire beside the lake was fun.
Hadley of course was happy to be with all of us. Such a people baby.
Hadley woke up happy and hungry on Sunday morning. We snapped this picture for Auntie Becca who couldn't be with us.

Mom & Dad have gotten really good at catching a nap whenever and wherever they can!
Hadley enjoyed sleeping in Auntie Becca's bunk. She was very comfortable there!
We went for a walk down the road and Hadley enjoyed riding in her Baby Bjorn.

Josh took a turn.
And Grandma took a turn.
Steph and Josh took Rick's new toy for a test drive.

Grandma fed Hadley while they were gone.
And then Bernie and I took a drive. My view from my seat. The lake is really developing!

Weekend at Lake Poinsett was fun and relaxing!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Another fun camping trip! I remember most Hadley and her parties in the living room floor! Cutie!