Friday, July 15, 2011

Denver Vacation Day 4

Friday, July 15, dawned bright and beautiful. After so many thunderstorms and rain the last few days, we are getting good at enjoying the morning beauty and finding places to hide when it rains. A good day for the Zoo! After a good breakfast in the hotel, we head to the Denver Zoo.

Wanted Bernie to take our picture, but he couldn't see through the viewfinder because of the sun. So he just snapped. We weren't quite ready yet, but that's OK!

The Denver Zoo is beautiful. Lots of greenery, wild grass and exhibits are close together. We always remember the Kansas City Zoo where we had to walk great distances between animals. Becca can't wait to find the Hippos, her favorite. This tiger is enjoying his meal.

My favorite, the Giraffe.

We found the Seals and Sea Lions and learned what the difference is on the display.

Construction is going on for a large Asian Animal Exhibit where the elephants and many other animals will be moved. Quite a few places to peek on progress so of course Bernie and Becca do!

At last! We found the Hippo Exhibit!

There is a Hippo in the water and we patiently wait for him to surface for air.

We watch the Hippo for awhile and decide to move around a little and come back. We found a brass statue of a Hippo Mother and Baby, but too many kids on it to catch a pictures of Becca with it. We will come back. We got in on the spraying of the Elephants. This is done once a day to keep them cool and clean. Looked like they were loving it!

The Monkey exhibits are so much fun to watch.

I bet Travis has an arm span larger than this monkey! (The picture, not Becca!)

What a great way to spend a hot day - a nap in a hammock!

Finally found the penguins. They weren't in their usual display and we were afraid we wouldn't get to see them. They are so "cool"!

Headed back to the Hippo to see if he was up or not. Caught him taking a breath again.

Ah! We can see the Hippo statue and it is in the sun and hot and no kids climbing on it! We can take Becca's picture! But wait, what are those Zoo Employees doing? Whisking everyone away? What are they saying? "Large Bird loose, everyone head to the entrance!" Bummer! I quick snap a picture of the statue, without Becca or course, and catch one of the Zoo Employees in the picture sending us away.

We head to the entrance and some other employees send us into the Gates Center, which is a large building used for educational purposes. We wait in there a little while but it is too hot and we want to see what is going on. Plus, we have a picture to get! We inch our way back to the area where they have blockaded our way. We can see the statue, but we can't get to it! We patiently wait about an hour and a half, and decide that little picture isn't worth waiting in the heat. Anyone know how to Photoshop that nasty zoo employee out and Becca in????

We catch some more exhibits and head to the gift shop.

We decide to make a stop at the Cherry Creek Mall. We have a pretzel snack at Wetzel Pretzel and Becca and I just visit Forever 21 and Build-a-Bear Workshop. Bernie "reads" in a comfy chair in the middle of the mall.

Back to the hotel for a quick swim to cool off and rest. Snap a picture of Becca and her new Hippo, Penny, she got in the Zoo Gift Shop, with her Smurf slippers. Build-A-Bear Workshop just came out with a new Smurf line. Cute! At least Becca got a picture with one Hippo!

Becca hasn't felt well all day and thought it was just her allergies acting up. But now her throat is raw and she can't swallow well. Plus, her nose is sore from blowing so much. We make a stop at Target for meds and soft kleenex before heading to Anthony's Pizza and Pasta. We loved the one downtown so much we want to try it again. Meanwhile, Josh calls to tell us about this great pizza place they ate at and it is Anthony's! Told him we had plans for supper to eat there.

Here is my huge slice of Canadian Bacon pizza.

Becca is enjoying her Cheese pizza, even though her cold is getting worse. At least the throat spray stopped the hurt.

Bernie had a Meatball Hero and the meatballs were huge!

Back "Home" (hotel room) for relaxing and some TV. Gotta rest up for another Denver Day tomorrow! Hope Becca feels better!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Sorry your zoo experience was cut short. Sounds like it was fun anyways. Also sounds like Becca caught our cold. Sorry Becca!