Thursday, July 14, 2011

Denver Vacation Day 2

We had a big thunderstorm during the night. In fact, we had to quit watching the All Star Game because the TV station went out. Our 2nd Day in Denver, Wednesday, July 13, dawned a little cloudy. Storm predicted for the afternoon. Bernie got up early and investigated how to ride the Light Rail downtown. We are going to test it out today for our tour of Coors Field so we are ready for the game tomorrow. Becca and I got up and ready and we all had a good breakfast at our hotel lobby. Then we walked to the Rail station, a couple of blocks from our hotel. Unfortunately, we just missed catching our train. Darn. We are going to be late for our 10AM tour. But at least plenty of time to take a picture at the station! Our train finally came and it seemed to take forever to get to Union Station. When we got there, we found out we had to run about 6 blocks to get to Coors Field. At least I had time to snap this picture at the corner while waiting for a red light!

We quickly got our tickets (thank goodness we called and they were waiting for us) and Diane took us in the gate and up to the tour. We were only 5 minutes late, but felt bad. Walt quickly caught us up on what was going on. Everyone is so friendly here, we are starting to call them by their names!

The view of the field from our tour spot!After visiting near the field, we began our tour on the 4th Floor. Took this picture overlooking the field from there.

Then into parts of the stadium we will never see again. There is carpeting and air conditioning in the areas for those who can afford luxury suites. This Statue of Liberty greeted us when we got off the elevator. It was given to the Rockies when the All Star Game was held in New York. We didn't remember that we had seen one at Target Field, so will be looking for one when we go there.

The mascot for the Rockies is Dinger, the Dinosaur. The story behind Dinger is that when the new stadium was being built in the early 1990's, dinosaur bones were found at the sight and removed. Hence, the mascot was a dinosaur.

Walt told us to save money for the taxpayers who were building the stadium, maple wood was made to look like cherry wood and the wall was painted to look like marble.

Inside the suite was very nice.

We could see the press box from the suite and that was our next stop.

This was on the way to the press box. Mickey was given to the Colorado Rockies when the All Star Game was in, you guessed it, Anaheim! We know the Twins have one too.

Here is Becca in the pressbox.

And Bernie too.

Here is who my seat is usually assigned to.

The view from the pressbox of the field.

Walt was very entertaining and very knowledgeable about Coors Field. He liked picking on Becca.

All the All Stars get their own silver star on this wall leading to the dressing rooms.

We couldn't go in the Rockies dressing room, but they took us in the visiting team dressing room. Here is where the Coaches dress.

Here are all the lockers for the visiting team members.

Took Becca's picture by them.

Pretty luxurious area to get ready and wait!

Boy, it sure takes lots of product for those players to get ready with!

Next out to the field. Had to get our pictures taken in the visitor's dugout!

Walt asked us if he could take our picture. Of course, we never say no.

Bernie and Becca in the Rockie's dugout.

Bernie had a few more questions for Walt before we left.

These seats in front of home plate cost roughly $250,000 for a season. Only time I will be anywhere near them!

Posed for few shots before we left the Coors Field campus.

Headed down to the 16th Street Mall. Stopped at Illegal Pete's for a drink before deciding to walk to the Aquarium. Great iced tea. A nice lady on our Coors Field tour had told us how to get there and a nice lady at Illegal Pete's confirmed it.

The pedestrian bridge over the river.

We walked the bike trail by the river. The nice lady at Illegal Pete's had told us that it was a great way to get to the Aquarium, plus it was so pretty.

Lots of people enjoying the river on this nice, hot day.

Arrived at the Aquarium. They had shrubs just like they do in Disney World!

Becca posed by this turtle to show just how huge it was!

This diver waved at me when they went by. Everyone in Denver is so nice!

Big fish!

The underside of a stingray!

Pretty colors under the sea!

Becca was a little nervous about finding ickys. We don't say that "s" word around her.

Bernie had foraged ahead to see if any ickys were there and came back to get Becca when it was safe.

It was safe to bring her in!

Lots of cool sharks in the many tanks.

Beautiful colored fish.

Fun in the gift shop. Becca just had to try on this hat.

And this mask.

Posed outside the Aquarium.

Walked back to the 16th Street Mall along the bike trail.

Stopped at the beginning of the 16th Street Mall at a place called McLoughlins for a drink. Troy was our waiter and once again, he was so friendly! He was from Hawaii and moved to Denver 3 years ago and loves it. Lives close to downtown. He goes back to Hawaii usually for the holidays, but this year his family is coming to Denver. He can't wait for them to see snow for the first time. He ran to another place and got us brochures on some fun things to do in town. Walked down the street for supper at The Tilted Kilt. It is an Irish/Scottish version of Hooters. Amelia was our waitress and guess what? She was so friendly! She kindly posed for a picture with Bernie.

Becca and I went to Forever 21 to shop and Bernie wandered around. He called to say he found a Coyote Ugly Bar and to join him there when done. Suddenly we heard the rain come in torrents! It was raining very hard! Becca and I were able to skirt beside the buildings and up another level of the stores and found Bernie. We waited out the storm watching the bartender, Jasmine, perform. Once the rain subsided, we took the free mall bus to Union Station to catch our train.

Back to the hotel for a relaxing evening and to bed so we can rest up for another exciting day!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Never a dull moment! Thanks for sharing your pictures and for the chuckle! Love you guys!