Friday, June 3, 2011

Sad Day!

Today was a sad day. Janine and I made a pact that we would not cry and we almost made it, but not quite. We took Nelda out to lunch, with Kim, Janine's husband, to Pickle Barrel. It was a wonderful lunch and hopefully not our last with her. We gave her gifts to remember us by. I had found a Three Sisters Pin in Current that represented us so well. I hope she will wear it and remember all our great times together. Here are the cards I made for us to give her. Janine had the picture Kim took at Lone Star framed in a beautiful Friends frame. We have solved the world's problems, and our own, over our sandwiches and yogurt for so long it is going to be hard to be a team of 2 Amigos instead of 3. Janine and I will survive, but it won't be the same. I love you Nelda Eitreim and you will always be a "sister" to me! Meet you for lunch soon???!!!! Here is a picture I had one of our other lunch buddies take of us on our last lunch in our "spot" we ate at each day.

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