Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fantastic Brunch!

Cherie Hopper invited Janine, Nelda and I over for brunch with her and the City Hall girls to celebrate Nelda's retirement on Saturday, June 25. It was a beautiful day and we were able to enjoy Cherie and Dean's beautiful back yard. They work so hard every year to make it so gorgeous. Unfortunately, Sherry Alexander was the only one who could make it besides us. But we had a wonderful time relaxing, enjoying Mimosa's, and eating a great brunch of quiche, muffins, cinnamon rolls, and fruit.

This pond contains goldfish that stay here year round. Dean has a heater he uses in the winter to keep them warm.

What a great place to enjoy a bonfire!

How could you not enjoy eating and relaxing here?

I loved this bunny peeking over the fence!

Dean graciously took our picture for us. We had such a great time. Friends are the best gift you give yourself!

Thank you Cherie for hosting us!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Wow! Beautiful backyard!