Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bernie's Birthday Celebration

We got behind again this year in birthday celebrating. We are finally, on June 9th, celebrating Bernie's April 30th birthday! That is how it gets when your family is growing and you get really busy with life! Bernie chose Buffalo Wild Wings as his destination and Travis was excited because he had never been there. "You've never been there?" was the comment for poor Travis AGAIN. So he was pumped to go. He loves wings. We hadn't been there in awhile and Bernie was excited about his choice.

The place was packed and noisy and the food was great. Had the best fish tacos (new item on the menu) I have ever had. Hadley slept through the whole meal. We have to enjoy this while we can - next year she will probably be wanting to run around!

After our wonderful meal, we are stuffed and head back home for games and gifts. Bernie enjoyed his new wine glass coolies. Bet they will head to the camper! He so patiently waited for his new tennis shoes and he also got some nice dress shoes plus a great Twins golfer jacket.

Hadley got ready for bed before she headed home and we had to take a picture of our two babies in their footie PJ's!

Hope you had a great belated birthday celebration Bernie. We all enjoyed it!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Our babies look so cute in their footie pajamas! :)