Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Camping Trip of the Season

Our first camping trip of the season is here! On Friday, May 13th, we headed to Yogi Bear Campground. We had really wanted to start the season out at Big Sioux near Brandon, but Bernie and I were just one day late in getting reservations and the park was full. So was Newton Hills and the Palisades. Yogi Bear it was then! We love Yogi Bear, but it was a little too early in the season for swimming in the pool and eating Pancake Breakfast on Sunday. But we made do the best we could! Our biggest goal of the weekend: To turn Hadley into a camper. As you can see, she was up to the task.

Grandpa was also part of the training committee.

Aunt Becca and Mom were eager to get started.

Hadley was comfortable right away in the camper. Even though it was chilly and windy out side with periods of rain, we kept the camper warm and cozy. Hadley had some of her favorite things along and enjoyed playing.

We had a late celebration of Mother's Day and I got my gifts. Becca and Travis hadn't been able to join us on the day, so I opened my new pie irons. A welcome addition to our camper. Our old ones were getting rusty.

I enjoyed reading all the nice things my four kids said in my card. I'm so glad to be their Mother!

These two were really enjoying relaxing.

Hadley, as you can see, was relaxing too. She had the cutest pajamas on for her first night in the camper.

See the little bunny on the bottom? Great camping PJ's!

Even Mama was relaxing.

We had a good first night sleeping. Hadley and Josh slept in the dining room area and she slept most of the night. When she woke up the next morning, we all jumped out of bed to see how she had done! I think she might enjoy this camping thing! I found my two daughters having some sister time on the floor.

As you can see, Hadley slid into the Saturday routine quite well - naps when you want/need them.

Travis needed a little extra attention from Becca. I think he thought she was paying just a little too much attention to Hadley....

Hadley tried on Travis' baseball cap. She's already a Twins fan, thanks to Aunt Becca!

Aunt Becca and Hadley had some serious down time together.

We got in lots of games during the weekend. It was just too chilly and rainy to be outside. This is when we are so glad we got our new camper where there is room for everyone to be comfortable. Travis took a nap in the bunk room, and we could play games while he slept. That is what camping is all about. See Hadley playing in her area? She's getting the hang of things!

Saturday night Travis' Mom Dorothy came out. We had invited her to come for a campfire, but it was too cold and rainy to have one. We made do with playing games and eating in the camper.

After another good night of sleeping in the camper, Hadley was wide awake and ready to go for a nice Sunday of camping. Look at the big girl sitting up on the couch!

Dan and Mary came out to visit us and have breakfast. Big girl Hadley stole the show sharing Grandpa Dan's chair.

Dan and Mary had been on vacation in Phoenix and brought Hadley back some beautiful new clothes.

Lucky girl is probably the best dressed baby at Daycare!

Sunday after breakfast we headed up to the store at the campground. Since it was Travis and Hadley's first time at Yogi Bear, we did the traditional photo shoots. Isn't Travis a ham????

Hadley was dressed well for the weather.

Yeah! Yogi Bear welcomed Hadley to Sioux Falls!

Bernie treated us to ice cream from the store. It sure tasted good!

Hadley took a nice Sunday camping nap. She's got this camping thing down pat!

We had the first nice weather of the weekend on Sunday. So we made the best of it and had our campfire before packing up to go home.

Travis helped out getting the camper ready to leave by sweeping off the roof. He's a pro at this camping thing too!

Even though the weather wasn't the best, we had a great time. Hadley passed the camping test with flying colors and now we can't wait to go again.

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