Sunday, March 6, 2011

Helping Travis Turn 21

Travis finally is 21! He turned 21 on Thursday, and Becca and Shalena went to Mitchell from Vermillion to help him celebrate. They took him out on the town and when we saw him Friday night, he still wasn't fully recovered. But they had fun. Friday afternoon, Becca and Travis went to Steph & Josh's house to get ready for the "big" party on Saturday that Steph had promised Travis she would throw. They also helped Steph & Josh move a bunch of things into the basement. The carpeting is now down in all the rooms and except for a few finishing touches, the basement is done! My part of the party was cupcakes. So I made little decorations for them. We made the party theme blue, Travis's favorite color.

Saturday was the big party. Steph told Travis he could invite anyone he wanted, but he chose to only invite his Mom. That is OK. We can have a great time with just us! Becca found a wonderful balloon for decoration.

The Pampered Chef order came from Josh and my party. We took a little time before Dorothy arrived to get everyone's orders set up. What a mess we made! But we cleaned it up!

Dorothy came and we had a wonderful supper of BBQ sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, chips and cheese dip. Dorothy brought wondeful pickles for us to eat. Of course cupcakes for dessert. Then gift opening. Here is the card I made Travis. I just loved how it turned out!

Travis's Mom gave him a picture of her (as a joke - she got it free at church) and some awesome baseball books. We told Travis the trivia one would be great to go over at the camp fire (hint, hint).
We gave him a set of darts and a pool cue and case. Now that he is 21, he can go with us to the bars for pool and darts. No more getting kicked out of Cheap Shots!

Becca gave Travis a Twins shirt and a set of screwdrivers. Good thing - he had to use them to get his pool cue separated from it's packaging!

Leave it up to Becca to find a use for the pretty ribbon! Dorothy told her she looked like a 1920's flapper girl! She did!

We were really interested in Travis's baseball books. They were awesome!

Then, for the main event! Beer pong! Josh had gotten Dan's propane heater, so the garage was toasty warm and comfortable.

Steph may be pregnant, but she can still sling that ping pong ball!

Bernie had gone to the liquor store and gotten some flavored schnaps and had them in a brown paper bag.
Travis stuck his hand in a couple of times and got out a different flavor to try and he was kind enough to share!

After beer pong was over, we played Redneck Life. It is such a fun game and Travis and Dorothy had a great laugh over the things said in the game.

We had so much fun! Happy Birthday Travis! Can't wait until we can get use out of your darts and pool cue!

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