Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hadley Day 2

Time to get ready to go see Hadley at the hospital! Oh yeah, Steph and Josh too......just kidding. Got my Grandma button updated and pinned on my shirt. Walked into Steph's room and found Mom & Daughter snuggling on the bed. What an awesome sight! Dad is in the background grinning from ear to ear!Josh gave us lessons on how to hold and rock Hadley. :)

I got to take first turn. She is so precious and cuddly! Such a tiny little bit of perfection.

Grandpa Bernie took a turn, too.Auntie Becca and Grandpa Bernie!

Auntie Becca took her turn snuggling with Hadley.
Grandma Mary and Grandpa Dan brought Hadley a beautiful beaded bracelet with her name on it. She modeled it for us! It came with a beautiful family beaded bracelet for Steph.
Isn't she cute in her little bow?
After we enjoyed our visit with Hadley and her parents, we celebrated with supper at Cherry Creek. Of course, we toasted to Hadley and our wondeful future together!
How long until I can see Hadley again? Soon I hope!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Lucky Hadley! She has the best family ever and she doesn't even know it yet. :)