Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Wonderful Weekend!

Steph and I were going to spend this weekend scrapbooking. She had Dan load her things in her car at her house and came over. We kind of set up, but didn't really get going. We decided to spend Friday night taking it easy. I texted Becca that we were going to go to Pizza Ranch Sunday evening with the Hall's for Grandma's birthday. Josh came over after painting their basement and he and Steph slept here to avoid the paint smells at their house.

Saturday we did a little scrapbooking. Becca called and had decided to come home for the weekend. I knew she hated reading on my blog about things we did without her. Josh & Dan spent the day working on the basement of their house. Steph headed home in the afternoon to help them and Becca, Bernie and I took a little group nap. Steph came back later and we watched a movie. All 4 of us sat on the couch in the basement together. Just like old times! These are Becca's new slippers that she found on ebay.

Sunday turned out to be a lazy day. Did some shopping with Steph & Becca. Steph wore out and took a little nap and Becca cleaned her room. That got us going and we went through the things in the middle bedroom. Felt good to get that done. Met the Hall's at Pizza Ranch for supper for Grandma and my birthday. It was fun and relaxing and great to spend time with the Halls again!
Here is the card Karen made for me. Isn't it beautiful? I also got a gift card to A Walk Down Memory Lane in Rock Valley. I feel a road trip coming on!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

It was kind of a crazy/lazy weekend. Always fun just hanging out! Too bad our scrapbooks were a little left out. Oh well. When you are not feeling it, you can't force it.