Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scrapping and Football Weekend

Steph and I had another big scrapping weekend on January 22 & 23. We were going to start Friday night, but the Gaskills came and we gladly gave up our night to have a wonderful visit with them. We spread out Saturday and Sunday and got lots done!

Well, there was a football game on Sunday. Hence, the football duds. Bernie asked could he pretty please invite his brother over to watch the game. We relented, explained the place will be a mess with scrapbooking things and that we wouldn't be stopping, we would keep right on scrapbooking. Bernie was fine with that.

Well, then he wanted to invite his other brother too, then his two sister-in-laws decided to come and then well, Grandma wanted to come too!! OK, but we won't stop scrapbooking! You guys will just have to watch the football game around us! Josh got wind of all this and he can't be left out!!

Great job on the shirts, Becca!

Bernie and I went and got some nice football style goodies (wings, meatballs, chicken tenders) and set out an arrangement of food and a good time was had by all. Impromptu parties can be great! Plus, Steph and I got a lot of scrapbooking done!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

It was a fun but productive weekend. Hope we can squeeze one more in. Good thing we don't let football parties cramp our style!