Sunday, January 2, 2011

Go Vikings!

On Sunday, January 2nd, the Vikings were playing a game, apparently their last game of the season. Being the big football fan that I am (NOT!!), I believe that is what Bernie said. Anyway, Bernie and Becca decided to go to the Alpine Inn to watch the game. They invited Steph and I to break away from our scrapbooking weekend of brow sweating work to join them for lunch during the game. We tore ourselves away from our work and enjoyed lunch with them. We wore our Vikings shirts that Becca gave us for Christmas. This is a preview of them, because we want to do group shots (front and back of course) when we are all together. Poor Travis didn't get a Vikings one. His order must have gotten messed up. His says something about San Francisco and the number 49. :)
When Steph and I got to the Alpine, Bernie and Becca were in really good moods. I don't think this was their first bucket of beer. :)

The smoking ban appears to have hurt the Alpine. Not very busy, we enjoyed the clean air. Casey came to join us and after visiting with him for awhile, Steph and I went back to our busy, busy work stations and cranked out more pages. We got a call to come and get the football fans to drive them home. Guess more buckets of beer had accumulated on their table. A fun way to break in our new shirts!


Lisa B said...

We just went to the Alpine last night....a date remembering the good times we've had there!

Steph Hughes said...

Love our shirts! Too bad we only got to wear them for one game. Next year! Also our scrapbook weekend was very inspiring. Can't wait for the next one!