Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Shopping Done!

I did it. I can't believe I did it. After many years of hearing my family talk about Black Friday shopping, I did it. Midnight at Walmart. I got a plush assignment. I wanted two Cricut Cartridges, so I got posted at the Cricut tower. Towards the back of the store. With some really nice ladies (Cricut ladies are usually very nice ladies). We visited, waited our time out, ripped open the stack, helped each other get what we wanted because we had gone around the circle and identified that there was plenty of stock for all of us. Then a rush to the check out area, relieved Steph so she could help Josh in the DVD section and Bernie in his section. Paid for my selections when Bernie came back to relieve me in my post. Home, bed. End of shopping. Whew! I survived my first Black Friday shopping!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

You did survive! You did a great job as well! I think you have heard our stories so many times, you knew just what to expect. Can't wait until next year?! Right?!