Sunday, August 1, 2010

Val Fischer & Adam DeWitte's Wedding

On July 3, 2010, we went to the wedding of Val Fischer and Adam DeWitte. Val and Steph have been friends since kindergarten and Val was Steph's attendant at her wedding. Adam and Josh were friends before he met Steph. Steph & Josh introduced Val and Adam, not knowing they would eventually attend their wedding! Steph had told Val they were going to see Adam one night but told her not to pay any attention, that he was kind of nerdy, but a nice guy. Well, guess what. They hit it off. The next day after Val met Adam, Adam's Mom came down to the area where the girls, as Lightening Girls for the Storm, were gathered and wanted to meet Val. Steph was super protective of Val and asked "who wants to know" because they were so used to strange people wanting to meet them. When this lady said "I'm Adam's Mom" Steph grabbed Val. That is the beginning of a wonderful relationship. And we were honored to be at the wedding to witness the great event. Steph & Josh looked great! This wonderful picture of Val & Adam greeted us when we entered the Reception at Brandon Golf Course.

Laura Nesheim came from Minneapolis and Jenna Maurer Noem came from Grand Junction Colorado. It was so good to see them.

Jenna Maurer Noem, Steph, Alyssa Hammrich Olsen, Val Fischer DeWitte, Julie Zimmerman Smith and Laura Nesheim were close friends throughout high school. They were either Highstepper buddies or lunch buddies. They spent a lot of time together and we have many pictures of them from the high school years. So we had to get one of them all together at the wedding. Laura is the only one not married, but the rest have found awesome guys. They all had a good time visiting at the wedding. Who knows when they will all be together again!

We got a shot of the Moms, too! We used to spend a lot of time together as parents of the girls: Monica Maurer, Me, and Bev Hammrich.

Steph and Josh wanted a picture taken on the patio, but the sun was not in the best place. But it wasn't a bad shot.

We had an awesome time at the wedding, seeing friends, and watching two great people create a union. May you have many loving years together, Val & Adam! Thanks for inviting us!

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