Sunday, August 29, 2010

Las Vegas Day 2 (August 9)

Bernie and I got up fairly early (had a good night's sleep!) and Bernie and I walked to the Flamingo. We walked around this great hotel, almost wishing we were there. They had a beautiful lobby, lots of stores, and a wonderful pool. Might have to check out this one next time! Bernie had his picture taken with Marie Osmond. :) And I posed with Donny Osmond! :)
The back area by the pool was beautiful.

The kids called and we headed back to the Imperial Palace. The walk was beautiful.

We had breakfast in our room. We had walked to Walgreens and gotten milk, juice, muffins and donuts.

Did a little gambling in our way out of the Imperial Palace.

Walked down the strip heading for the Venetian. Had to pose by this statue at Harrah's.

We were heading to the Venetian to see Madame Toussards.

Madame Tussauds wasn't open yet, so we decided to tour the Venetian.

The Venetian was a beautiful place. We walked around and this nice gentleman offered to take our picture. It turned out well.
We took lots of beautiful pictures. So glad my family is such a willing party to letting me take them and Magan played along!

This Venetian musician was quite a flirt and wanted his picture taken with the girls.
It was time for Madame Tussauds to open, so we headed to the museum.

What a great place! They call it interactive because you can touch and pose with all the wax statues. We had a blast!

The figures freaked Steph out for a little bit, but she relaxed and got better!

I love this one!

Josh really wanted to go through the Haunted area. He talked Magan into going with him. She looked like she really regretted her decision when they went in.......

And totally admitted she regretted going through when she was done! But Josh loved it.

Becca and her idol Marilyn Monroe!

Becca found Elvis sideburns in the shop and she looked so cute!

This is what Josh & Magan looked like in the Haunted ride! We didn't buy the picture, but got to see it on the screen in the shop.

We had an awesome time and everyone posed for their picture.
Back to the Venetian. Josh had a treat at Godiva's.

Magan and Becca decided to go on a Gondola ride. They loved it.

Had Gelotto in a little stand around the Venetian. Never had tasted it, so wanted to try it. It was great. Then found a food court and had lunch. Nice that everyone could find something they liked. Then back to the Imperial Palace and some pool time.

After pool time, headed down the strip. At Paris, Magan and Becca found the Eiffel Towel glasses they had seen others carrying and decided to try them.
Bernie decided to not let them drink alone!

Did a little gambling time in the Paris.

We got hungry and Paris did not have a food court, which we had grown to love. We tried Bellagio, but did not find one there. Becca asked a lady in the crowd and she said he saw one in Caesar's Palace. Headed there. Becca had to have her picture taken in front of Chanel, since she can't really afford anything inside!

We found the food court at Caesar's Palace. It was quite unique, but we all found very good food to enjoy. Mama Steph was famished by this time!

Walked back to Paris to do the Eiffel Tower, but the line was very long. Becca still wasn't sure she wanted to do it anyway, so we didn't do it this day. Walked across the street to Bellagio and watched the beautiful fountain show.

The last fountain show we watched was beautiful. It was done to Proud to Be An American and was very emotional!
Back to Imperial Palace, and on our way through the bar outside Imperial Palace, Steph posed! A little gambling and then to our rooms for relaxing and bed.

Bernie - Madame Tussauds
Connie - Madame Tussauds
Magan - Bellagio Water show (worst things - Scream Walk at Madame Tussauds)
Becca - Madame Tussauds, Gondola, Whole Venetian experience
Josh - Pool, Gambling Poker Machine
Steph - Relaxing at pool, Bellagio Water Show

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

So much fun going back and looking at those pictures! What a fun trip! Glad we all are willing to pose. I especially like watching the levels of dad, Becca, and magans drinks go down throughout the pictures! Ha!