Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Party Time at Ideker Stadium

The long awaited day by the Ideker/Hughes crew finally came - opening day for the Twins in their new outdoor stadium. Bernie extended an invitation for everyone to come to the Ideker Stadium to view the game. His email stated if you show up in Twins attire, you get a free hot dog. As the guests arrived, it was noted they all wore their Twins wear. Josh even went out and bought himself a Twins jersey. Josh is not as much in love with baseball as the rest of us, but he is such a good sport about it. Even though Travis is a Detroit fan, he is a good sport also and wore Twins attire.

The fans were brought down to the main stadium to their great home base line seats and were greated by a banner.

The Stadium Photographer took a group shot. Copies can be ordered with the Stadium Concessions Manager.

The fans found their home base line seats and got comfortable for the game. The Concession Stand opened and hot dogs (three kinds), nachos, pickles and peanuts were served. Popcorn and ice cream were offered later in the game.

The Stadium had an array of memorabilia not for sale.
The fans were enthusiastic and wrapped up in the game in the new Twins Stadium (in Minneapolis of course). The wave was performed and Take Me Out To The Ballgame sang during the 7th inning stretch (at the Ideker Stadium, of course). Even though the DVR didn't catch the end of the game, everyone was excited that the Twins won their season opener in their new Stadium!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Love it! I love our family!