Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I made a few cards last weekend for special events. It is Volunteer Recognition Week this week and I have 3 great volunteers who help me at work. Karin comes every Monday and calls the patients for their appointments the next week to remind them. I made her this card to tell her how much I appreciate that she makes those calls and how our no-show rate for appointments has gone down due to her dedication. John and Randy are there every day. Randy comes to my office 4 times a day to pick up charts to take to the C&P Office and ear molds to take to Prosthetics. He will also run any other errands I need run. He is very reliable and without him I would be running all over the VA dropping things off. I miss him when he goes to Phoenix to visit his family. John comes every afternoon to open the mail, label the new hearing aids, fold letters to go out, and will do anything else I ask of him. He found out from the Chief of Volunteer Service that I could use someone to help me and offered to do it. John has been volunteering at the VA for 27 years and I have known him most of that time. I was thrilled to hear he would help me and he has done a great job. I made John and Randy each this card to let them know I appreciate them.

My cousin Laurie Fluit turned 50 on April 17 and her daughter Heather decided to throw a party and combine it with a 25th Anniversary celebration for Laurie and her husband Bill. We were invited to attend at Westward Ho Country Club. It was so much fun to see my relatives again, at a happy event rather than a sad event. Great snacks were served and Bernie and I had a great time visiting. These are the cards I made for the Fluits.

So much fun to make cards for special events and special people.

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Awesome cards! Can't wait to be creative together this weekend!