Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cardmaking Day In Walnut Grove

Karen Hall, Lana Fiolka, Steph and I took off early on Saturday morning, April 10, for Walnut Grove, MN, for their semi-annual cardmaking day. It is so much fun to learn new techniques and use products that otherwise we might not have known about. Here are the cards we made.

We were able to buy the products we used on the cards in a little store set up in the Community Center. I am excited about getting some of the glittery fun flock that we used on the Teddy Bear card and the yellow and brown Friend Flower card. Bought the baby girl card stamp set, even though it was an acrylic set. I am more of a "rubber lover" but the stamps were so cute.
After we got our cards made, we walked downtown (one block away) and went to the Fond Memories store to explore the other cardmaking and scrapbooking supplies. After making our purchases and financially supporting the community of Walnut Grove, we headed to Brookings and a wonderful supper at Applebees.
It was a fun day and I had a great time spending the day with wonderful family and friends.

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Love your pictures! They almost look professional! :)