Sunday, March 14, 2010

Retirement Envy

I made this card for Bill Fluit, who retired from the Sioux Falls Police Department last month. He had a retirement party at the FOP Lodge last Friday night. Bernie and I went to wish him well. Bill is married to my cousin Laurie. Of course I am envious! I have 11 months until I am eligible to retire. I know I won't be able to retire then, but will be so happy to be a member of the KMA Club and can go whenever I want to! Congratulations Bill, and enjoy your retirement! His party was fun at the FOP Lodge and we ran into quite a few people we knew. Turns out the other guy retiring graduated from high school with my brother Don and some of the people there were people we knew! "It's a Small World After All......"

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Love those small world stories and LOVE that card! You are stepping out of your box and its working well. Also don't worry your time is coming. When you finally get there, you will look back and be glad you waited. It will be worth it in the end. I love you! You are a wonderful person and don't you forget it. Some people just are not on that same level as us and we just need to forgive them for that. In the end they are only hurting themselves. Keep your chin up and always take the high road!